Tillandsia caput medusae


Filtered sun, temperate, semi-dry.

Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador 40-2400m

Widespread and variable. Grows epiphytically on tropical deciduous trees, oaks and cactus and also as a lithophyte.

Able to tolerate dry periods.

Ants often make their homes in the base.

An exciting shaped plant- very much like Medusa with its curling leaves.  As with other pseudobulbous species they can rot if water is allowed to collect at the base.  This makes this air plant a great specimen to mount sideways or upside down.

Images with tape indicate size of plant available for sale.  Please note plants do vary, we endeavour to provide a plant as close to the size indicated as possible.


Additional information

Light Requirements

Filtered Sun, Full Sun


medium water, Semi-dry


Large, Medium