We will be at a few KZN events in the next couple of months. October 29- Fair on the Square, Mattison Square, Port Edward. 4-5 November- Plant Collectors Fair, Stephward Estate, Uvongo 16-18 December- Oribi Farmers Market, Lake Eland
Nests with Plants
This Cape White-eye has great taste in real estate and is sitting on her nest in one of our specimen T xerographica. Which means we are creeping around the sales area to avoid disturbing her. It's perfect timing as we are launching a new collaboration with a local wire artist...
Marktfees Botanics
Join us for a fun filled weekend where everything is botanically inspired. Rare and Air will be bringing a beautiful range of Tillandsias, Hoyas and lots of other beautiful tropical plants. There are also crafters and artists who will have have exciting, one-of-a-kind products specifically designed for Marktfees. Of course...